December MMR DECEMBER PROVINCIAL VIOLATIONS NOVEMBER DECEMBER 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 M an ic al an M d as h C en tr al M as h Ea st M as h W es t M as vi ng o M at N or th M at So ut h M id la nd s Ha ra re Bu la w ay o 0 Concluding Note The Zimbabwe Peace Project notes with concern that despite the reduction in numbers of the documented human rights violations, the situation regarding the disregard and violations of individuals’ freedom is still persisting in the country. To mitigate the human rights violations in Zimbabwe and promote accountability, it is essential to address the root causes of these abuses, which include political intimidation, corruption, and impunity. ZPP urges the government to ensure that all perpetrators, regardless of their affiliation or position, are held accountable for their actions. This can be achieved by strengthening institutions, such as the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission, and ensuring that they are fully accessible to Zimbabwean communities for complaints filing which will enable effective investigations and prosecution of human rights abuses. Additionally, promoting transparency, accountability, and the rule of law, as well as supporting civil society organizations and human rights activists, can help to create a culture of respect for human rights and the dignity of all individuals. Ultimately, a commitment to justice, equality, and human rights is necessary to prevent further violations and ensure that all Zimbabweans can live without fear of persecution or abuse. 8

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