February 2018 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS assaulted for refusing to disclose his voter registration slip serial number. The perpetrator was found guilty and sentenced to 105 hours of community service. Members of the ZNA assaulted a bus driver in Chiredzi South for allegedly transporting border jumpers to neighbouring South Africa through the Limpopo River. ZEC and ZRP. Such cases in other areas have significantly disappeared although subtle ways of intimidation especially being forced to attend Zanu PF meetings have become the order of the day. Candidate imposition is seen as a future source of conflict in both the ruling party and opposition. In Tsholotsho North in particular, it is said that Retired Brigadier Sakhumuzi Khumalo has been imposed as the incumbent Zanu PF Member of Parliament. Khumalo seeks to replace Jonathan Moyo. Cases of violations with regards to the electoral act declined during the month under review. This may be due to the fact that ZEC and ZRP publicly condemned the practice. But still in areas like Bikita South, Masvingo Central, Bikita South and Gutu Central cases such violations recorded. Food aid continued to be a political tool to induce compliance. Category of incident Feb 2018 Jan 2018 Assault 3 2 Discrimination 2 8 Intimidation/harassment 13 27 Theft/looting 2 0 Category of incident Feb 2018 Jan 2018 Assault 0 0 Theft/looting 0 0 Discrimination 0 1 Intimidation/harassment 3 4 Threat level: Low In the month of February, the province recorded two cases of human rights violations. Citizens demonstrated against a headmaster who is alleged to have committed fraud and hence the school had to shut down for days. The other one was recorded in Beitbridge East where Zanu PF activists forced citizens to join the cell groups after they had misled them that the meeting was for fertiliser distribution. This suggests that Zanu PF activists continue to intimidate and threaten citizens. This has been an ongoing trend in the province since January. Threat level: Low The period under review, recorded two cases of Zanu PF activists forcibly demanding voter registration slips from citizens in Bubi and Hwange. This was done shortly after the public pronouncement by ZEC and ZRP which barred individuals from demanding voters registration slips from citizens. In some areas within the province, Zanu PF activists remain loyal to the old habits of intimidation worse off after satements by Category of incident Assault 12 Feb 2018 Jan 2018 0 0

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