From 9 to 15 May authorities at Manzinde and Muromo primary schools in Mutare South were turning away pupils with outstanding school fees. It is unclear if the schools are accepting part payments or payment plans from parents. In Bikita West ward 13, three Zanu PF supporters that are campaigning for the post of councillor in the coming general elections are allegedly threatening villagers to vote in a Zanu PF candidate. The Zanu PF candidates David Pisai, Hekla Mushayi and Ziwewe have threatened villagers with assault if Zanu PF loses again to MDC-T. Headman Clemence Mpakwa is also reported to be saying people living in his area must only vote for Zanu PF and not any opposition party. On 17 May in Buhera Central ward 18, it is alleged that Zanu PF youth chairperson, Isaac Fari, assaulted *Theodore Kazembe and accused him of being an MDC-T supporter. Fari is reported to have said that he missed Kazembe during the 2008 elections but on this day he was bent on beating him up. Kazembe sustained serious injuries as result of the assault and sought medical treatment at Murambinda Hospital. The case is said to have been reported at Murambinda Police Station and it is unclear if any arrests were made. In Chivi Central ward 16, the councillor, Francis Mhomho, was allegedly forcing people to attend the commissioning of the Tokwe-Mukosi Dam. The dam was commissioned by President Robert Mugabe on 19 May. Mhomho is alleged to have said ward 16 residents should all attend the event and those who fail to attend will have confirmed their affiliation to the opposition. The meetings where people were forced to attend were held on 17 May at St Martins primary, Marutsva village, Nyamakwe Business Centre and Dombo primary. In Buhera West ward 5 Chibvongidze village, it was reported that on 25 May, Lawrence Nyerere allegedly threatened *Loveness Shoko with abduction ahead of the 2018 polls. It is alleged that Nyerere visited Shoko’s homestead and told her that she was going to disappear come the 2018 election because she supports MDC-T. In Masvingo West, ward 12 at Nemamwa Growth Point it was reported that on 24 May village head William Shangwa allegedly called people to a Zanu PF campaign meeting where every villager was forced to attend. Shangwa is also the Zanu PF district chairperson for the area. The gathering was addressed by Viola Chapwanya, Zanu PF Women’s League Chairperson. It is alleged that Chapwanya made threats of assaulting and killing anyone who was going to vote for opposition parties. She allegedly threatened to burn homes of all those who were going to go against this directive. In attendance at the meeting was the newly elected Masvingo Provincial Chairperson Ezra Chadzamira. Threat level: low Threat level: medium Food and other violations 14

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