October 2016. When the heads intended to hand over the petition on 2 May at Lupane Center, Mr Jucer threatened to terminate the contracts of kraal heads if they went ahead with the petition. In Bubi ward 16, it was reported that an influential Zanu PF member, Sithembile Ncube, allegedly disqualified a student of Dabengwa Secondary School, *Cleopatra Fuyana, as the ward junior councillor, after discovering that her mother is a prominent MDC-T supporter. Fuyana lost the post despite being a top student and winning among other nominees on 10 May. In Matobo North at Phumuzamaphiko ward 18, it is reported that the school headmistress of Mazhayimbe primary, Thoko Ncube Mugadza, turned away school children that had failed to settle their debts since the beginning of the academic year. It is alleged that Ncube and members of the School Development Committee announced on opening day that those that had outstanding debts would not be allowed to attend lessons until they are cleared. Those that owe school fees have been away from school. Mazhayimbe primary is among the schools in the province that are earmarked to be closed due to low student turnover. Police officers allegedly stormed and threw teargas canisters at an MDC-T private meeting at Sobendle Ward 9 in Lupane West on 19 May. The meeting was hosted at the homestead of an aspiring MDC-T councillor. Police officers are said to have intended to disrupt the meeting as they said it was illegal. Some of the attendants were detained by the police for several hours at Jotsholo holding cells. Threat level: low Threat level: low In Kwekwe Mbizo at Mary Ward Primary School on 18 May, it was reported that *Wisdom Nyamayaro who is a Zanu PF supporter and aligned to the G40 faction was victimised by a fellow Zanu PF supporter Thomas Makoni. It was reported that Nyamayaro was putting on a Zanu PF t-shirt with Masango Matambanadzo’s picture After hearing rumours that their allowances had been misused by a district administrator identified as Mr Jucer, it is alleged that kraal heads from Lupane district petitioned the official to pay back their outstanding allowances. The kraal heads asserted that they have not been paid since 12

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