are that the meeting that was held on 11 May was organised to resolve corruption issues which forced Local Government Minister, Saviour Kasukuwere, to suspend Mayor Philip Mutoti and 25 councillors. It was reported that Zanu PF youths clad in party regalia arrived in a commuter omnibus suspected to be owned by councilor Charamba Mlambo and ordered participants to disperse. A Zanu PF youth leader identified as Lad Manhango is alleged to have taken away *Washinton Kamoto’s phone and $68 and thereafter assaulted him for taking pictures. The matter was reported to the police under RRB number 31424500. In Lobengula, Nkanyezi Primary School headmistress, Mrs Tshuma, told parents of ECD learners to at least pay half of the $64 or have their children withdrawn from ECD classes. The headmistress gave the order on 16 May 2017. Only a few parents managed to pay while the rest had their children withdrawn over either the previous term’s outstanding bill or second term fees. It is alleged that ward 6 MDC-T deputy organizing secretary, Didymus Bande, and vice-chairperson, Philip Muzerengi, assaulted three Zanu PF members who refused to allow MDC-T to conduct door to door campaigns on 13 May. These MDC-T supporters are also accused of taking $53 from the Zanu PF supporters. Bande and Muzerengi are also alleged to have assaulted Zanu PF youth political commissar for Epworth district when he discouraged his relatives from joining MDC-T. Intra-party violence is alleged to have marred a Zanu PF provincial coordinating committee meeting called by Vice President, Phelekezela Mphoko on 21 May at Davis Hall. Supporters of the ruling party are reported to have differed on what should be the fate of political commissar, Saviour Kasukuwere. The result was violent skirmishes where district youth chairperson, Magura Charumbira was reportedly stabbed and nearby vendors had their wares looted. It is alleged that on 23 May there was intra-party violence at Kuwadzana paddocks between rival Zanu PF youth factions over a land dispute. Reports are that Kuwadzana MP Betty Kaseke and Chairperson for Package Housing Association, Tawuya Mawuka, each allocated the land in question to each of their supporters who belong to different factions. The two groups then violently clashed over ownership of the land. Anti riot police were called in and dispersed the youths. One of the youths is said to have lost his teeth during the fights. Meanwhile, on 14 May at Barbourfields, violence erupted during a Highlanders versus Dynamos football match. Highlanders fans threw missiles at the assistant referee who they believed had undeservingly awarded Dynamos an equalising goal. Analysts have often said that fights between supporters of the two teams has political undertones that can best be addressed by the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC). Threat level: low 11

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