#PEOPLESPEAK #THEVODCAST is a series of community voices audio/visual broadcasts that are flighted on ZPP social media platforms. Through #THEVODCAST, ZPP goes far & wide and #PEOPLESPEAK out on key human rights issues in Zimbabwe What really happened? On 26 November, police officers pursuing a commuter omnibus that was illegally picking up passengers along Simon Mazorodze Road, a busy dual way about three kilometres from the Harare city centre were accused of causing an accident that resulted in the death of a woman. Police officers, who use unconventional ways like smashing windows of moving vehicles, were in pursuit of a commuter omnibus – one of the many operating illegally as government has not opened up to private public transporters – and the bus ran over a woman. She died on the spot. Angry crowds unfortunately instituted mob justice and beat up and tore apart the uniforms of one of the police officers behind the chase. Very unfortunate was the entire incident as it ended up in a death that could have been avoided. This incident proves the urgent need for security sector reform. The police need to understand how to enforce the law without causing deaths or more harm to the very societies they are supposed to protect. The Police’s response The Zimbabwe Republic Police regrets the loss of life in a road traffic accident which occurred along Simon Mazorodze Road near Total Service Station on 26th November 2020. The incident is unfortunate. The Police implore kombi operators and drivers to comply with the country’s laws in order to safeguard lives. The Zimbabwe Republic Police is equally concerned about the rowdy commuter omnibus drivers’ conduct who have become militant and dangerous to other road users and police officers enforcing laws of the land. Some of them have even removed number plates to avoid detection. Upon seeing police officers coming to arrest them they speed off and in the process endanger the lives of pedestrians and other motorists. The public is implored not to board kombis or other vehicles not displaying number plates as they risk being killed or injured as the unruly drivers will be running away or speeding off to evade arrest. On the other hand, police officers enforcing traffic laws and COVID -19 regulations are urged to conduct themselves according to the laws of the land and avoid acting in a manner which endangers lives. Members of the public are urged to report any acts by police officers which are contrary to their constitutional obligations. The following numbers are operational 24 hours; Harare Operations 0242 748836, National Complaints Desk 0242 703631 or Bulawayo Operations 029 885479. The Zimbabwe Republic Police is conducting investigations into this sad incident. 17 [NYATHI P] Assistant Commissioner

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