THE ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT President Mnangagwa, three years on! November 2020 marks three years after President Emmerson Mnangagwa was sworn in as president, taking over from the late long-time ruler Robert Mugabe following a military coup. At his swearing in ceremony on 24 November 2017, President Mnangagwa who enjoyed widespread goodwill had a list of promises and pledges to open up democratic space and to fix the country’s long standing economic woes. Three years later, we reflect, and we make the following recommendations, based on the current situation the country is in • Government should institute investigations of all serious human rights abuses over the last three years and ensure that citizens get justice. State security agents who have acted outside their mandate should be brought to book without fear or favour. • All interventions should be done in line with national law and international standards. The government should also take urgent steps to reform the state security sector as spelt out in the recommendations of the Motlanthe Commission, and as promised by President Mnangagwa in 2017. All those responsible for human rights abuses should be held to account. That way, it creates a culture of accountability and responsibility within the state security sector. • Zimbabwe’s constitution provides a basis for the enjoyment of all people’s and human rights and government should embrace a culture of Constitutionalism and ensure that all citizens get the benefit of all the socio-economic rights due to them. • The economy has become one of the major human rights issues and government should take the right steps to ensure that the labour force enjoys a living wage and the informal sector gets the necessary support and that those in need of social protection get the due protection. Read the full statement on Mnangagwa’s three years in power here 12

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