THE ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT As stated earlier in this report, Masvingo, Mashonaland Central and Mashonaland West provinces had the highest number of recorded cases of human rights violations attributed to the partisan distribution of inputs under the government’s Pfumvudza scheme. Across the country, as recorded by ZPP, villagers, for the second month in a row, spoke of a deliberate and systematic process of sidelining perceived or real supporters of opposition political parties from benefitting from a government scheme that is supposed to benefit everyone regardless of their political affiliation. In direct contravention of the Constitution, Zanu PF and government officials and local leaders charged with the distribution of inputs conducted themselves in an openly partisan manner. According to the Constitution, “Zimbabwe is founded on respect for the following values and principles… recognition of the equality of all human beings.” Unfortunately, this has not been the case as those responsible for the Pfumvudza input scheme have shown little regard for the respect of this fundamental value especially considering that government is charged with the responsibility to ensure that everyone enjoys their right to equal treatment. The conflation of the ruling party and the State compounded by impunity, which has been in existence since the Mugabe era, has continued to hound President Mnangagwa’s tenure, with ruling party officials and activists hijacking government programmes without facing any consequence. For example, in Marondera West, about 80 villagers who had gathered at Manyaira Shopping Centre in Ward 10 to receive Pfumvudza inputs in the presence of a Grain Marketing Board Officer, and the District Development Coordinator, were shocked when a Zanu PF Ward Councillor, Nelson Mukwenha, took over the process and denied those suspected to support the opposition. 9

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