Minimum Standards for Food Distribution Key Considerations: That distribution of food aid be Responsive, Transparent, Equitable and Appropriate  Recipients of food aid are identified and targeted based on need by means of an assessment carried out through consultation with stakeholders including the beneficiaries  Registration of households receiving aid should be formalised, transparent and all inclusive paying particular attention to vulnerability. Women who head families or are single; as well as children from child-headed families should be allowed to register in their own right.  Selection of distribution agents should be based on their impartiality, capacity and accountability. May include local elders, local NGOs or other institutions .e.g. Agritex, and churches who may then form locally elected relief committees at ward or village level  Efficient and equitable distribution methods in consultation with stakeholders including the various recipient groups  Recipients are well informed in advance of quantity and quality of food rations.  Points of distribution be close and accessible to recipients of the food aid (as much as is possible).  Information dissemination related to issues should be widespread and above board. Recipients should be informed of: quantity and type of rations; distribution plan including day, time, location and frequency as well as any deviation to the plan that may be necessary.  Supervision and guarding of distributions 29

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