 On 18 January 2016, in a case aimed at barring the opposition from carrying out its activities, Violet Nyabeza, shadow councillor for Zanu-PF, disturbed an MDCT meeting in Ward 14 Mutasa Central. On the day in question, the MDC-T called for a meeting to discuss developmental projects for the ward. Nyabeza allegedly also called for a meeting at the same time and same venue all in a suspected attempt to scuttle the MDC-T meeting. In the end none of the two meetings took place. It must be noted that Mutasa Central remains a problem child for Zanu-PF as it is the only constituency in the whole of Manicaland that still has an opposition MPTrevor Saruwaka.  On 16 January 2016, in Makoni South Ward 23 Zumbani Village, the village head and Zanu-PF member allegedly verbally threatened Joseph Nhau (not real name) of MDC-T, accusing him of not attending Zanu-PF meetings. The village head told the victim that he would not consider him for assistance in the event of food aid programmes in the village. Mashonaland Central The period under review made it evident that Zanu-PF was feeling the pressure as more of its supporters were reportedly defecting to People First. Reports received from the province indicate that at most meetings, Zanu-PF leadership were warning people not to join People First or support any other political party. Food continued to be used as a tool for people to remain loyal to the ruling party as people are threatened that if they do not support Zanu-PF they would not benefit from food and fertiliser distribution. Highlights:  On 3 January 2016, MP for Rushinga District, Hon. Wonder Mashange, visited Ward 11 and held a meeting with the youths from wards 1-25. It is alleged that he told the youths that he did not want People First supporters in his constituency. He allegedly told people not to vote for People First and MDC-T. However, Mashange denied saying this when ZPP called him. Although he confirmed the meeting he said his main message to the youths was that they should have a sense of ownership and assist government in its endeavours.  On 10 January 2016, at Majome Village, Ward 17 in Mazowe Central, Robert Dundu (not real name) of MDC-T had his maize slashed by Michael Kapiza of Zanu-PF for supporting the opposition. Dundu reported the case to the police and Kapiza was made to pay a fine.  On 13 January 2016, Ganyo aged 48, the district chairperson of Zanu-PF for Bindura North was allegedly forced to resign after it was discovered that he was associating with People First co-ordinator for Bindura North. 15

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