Provincial Outlook MIDLANDS PROVINCE Midlands also recorded cases of threats, harassment, and assaults targeting members of the CCC who campaigned, mobilized, and were polling agents for their party. In ward 23, Redcliff constituency, it was reported that a CCC polling agent went into hiding after surviving an attack by Zanu PF. It is said that Zanu PF members led by Sibanda Leon visited the homestead of the victim with an intention to beat him up after they threw stones at his house. The victim managed to sneak out of his house. He is still in hiding. In ward 4 of Chiwundura constituency, it was reported that another CCC member was attacked by suspected Zanu PF members at Gambiza Business Centre while buying her groceries. It is said that she was confronted and accused of being part of the people who were working with external forces to overthrow the Zanu PF government. The victim was slapped several times and had her groceries confiscated. In ward 6 of Zhombe Urban, it was reported that a CCC male member was harassed by Zanu PF leadership led by Moses Surungwe. The victim was harassed for mobilizing voters in the constituency to vote for the Citizens Coalition for Change. Surungwe told the victim that he would be beaten and killed for mobilizing against Zanu PF. MATABELELAND SOUTH PROVINCE MATABELELAND NORTH PROVINCE Threats, harassment, and intimidation increased in the province as the ruling party was warning those who had worked with the opposition particularly the Citizens Coalition for Change. Such threats targeted opposition party supporters who mobilised, campaigned, and were party agents during the harmonized elections. At Manjolo Ward 7 of Binga North, it was reported that the District Development Coordinator identified as Mr. Kobome told villagers to resist in supporting CCC. He went on to state that villagers should be preoccupied with issues of development spearheaded by Zanu PF and not CCC as they will face some consequences of being beaten up if they continue voting for the CCC. A similar case was recorded at ward 4 of Nkayi North, where it was reported that two MDC-T activists fled their homestead at Fanison village fearing for their lives. It is reported that the two escaped from their homes to Kwekwe fearing for their lives as Zanu PF activists are looking for opposition members who were polling agents in the justended August elections. In Matabeleland South, Zanu PF activists have unleashed intimidation and harassment towards opposition members. At Ward 5 Zezani of Beitbridge West, it was reported that Zanu PF activists identified as Bitso and Kolowa were going around intimidating and harassing opposition members. It is said the two are always at local shops warning to beat all those who voted for the Citizen Coalition for Change. In Gwanda Nyandeni Village 4 Mzimuni area, it was reported that Zanu PF activists identified as Dennis Moyo and Bongani Mlilo warned citizens that they would be beating and setting ablaze homesteads of all opposition supporters. It is said that they were going in groups doing door-to-door campaigns while intimidating citizens. Furthermore, one of the known CCC members, Adam Bhebhe was warned that he was to be visited at night and tortured. Bhebhe is reported to have run away from his homestead that very night. 14

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