3 Million Voices 50% The Zimbabwe Republic Police once again topped the list of human rights violators by contributing to just over 50 percent of all the perpetrators of human rights violations while Zanu PF is second at just above 22 percent. The army, municipal police and MDC Alliance all contributed to nearly three percent of all violations each in the month of April. The significant decrease in the army’s contribution to perpetrating human rights can be attributed to the withdrawal of substantial army activities in the enforcement of the lockdown as lockdown regulations were eased. In one of the incidents, an MDC Alliance party activist at Nyamavanga Business Centre in Mudzi West accused Zanu PF supporters of being witches that had destroyed the country. “MaZanu murivaroyi chaivo nokuti nyika irikufira mumaoko enyu,” the MDC Alliance activist is alleged to have said this to a Zanu PF member, who reported the incident to the police; but no arrest was made. The general citizens make up the most of the victims of the April human rights violations at over 91 percent. About seven percent of the victims are MDC Alliance members. ZPP recorded a total of 173 human rights violations and of these, 63 were in Harare followed by 30 in Mashonaland Central and 21 in Mashonaland West. 22% 91% In April, ZPP donated COVID19 PPE to three health institutions and three schools in Mutasa and Matobo Districts. The PPE contained sanitisers, masks, latex gloves, buckets, and a handwashing point. Here, a ZPP staff member hands over PPE at Samaringa Primary School 3

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