DECEMBER, 2023 Towards A Zimbabwe where there is Peace, Justice, Dignity and Development for All ZPP Commemorates International Human Rights Day Participants pose for a photo at the International Human Rights Day commemorations in Mutasa District On 9 December, Project Community members interfaced and engaged with their commemorated International Human Rights Day in local traditional leaders on conflict-transformation. In a Mutasa District, Hauna business community. The keynote address, Village Head Tafadzwa Matingo activity was held under the global theme, “Consolidating appreciated all peaceful interventions and community and Sustaining Human Rights Culture into the Future” programmes implemented by ZPP to promote unity, which resonated with the aim to raise awareness and tolerance and end the culture of political violence in push for a collective agenda by communities to promote Mutasa. a culture of human rights tolerance worldwide through During the commemorations, ZPP commends the work cultural diversity, ethics harmony, peace and to unite of Community Ambassadors and their efforts to communities against violence post the 2023 general transform conflict through evidence-based advocacy elections. Day initiatives. These initiatives are challenging duty bearers commemoration was adorned by various duty bearers to address contemporary political and socio-economic and community leaders, among them ward councilors, needs of women, persons with disabilities and young village heads, opinion leaders, pastors, peace officers people. It is essential to note that human rights days from ZPP have a way of conscientizing citizens of the importance community ambassadors. Stakeholders disseminated of their rights being upheld and respected by duty- solidary bearers. They also create a platform for citizens to The the advocacy the International Zimbabwe peace and Zimbabwe Human Republic messages community Peace to Rights Police promote cohesion. and tolerance, This was implement advocacy initiatives. complemented with peace related edutainment through artistic displays of drama, poetry and dance. 8

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