DECEMBER, 2023 Major Highlights ZESN calls for Constitutional Amendment to Scrap Recalls The Zimbabwe Electoral Support Network (ZESN) has demanded that a constitutional provision allowing for the recall of elected officials be revised. It contends that the ‘electorate should have the authority to recall legislators’, contrary to the current provision that give political parties immense power to reverse the electorate’s democratic will of choosing their leaders. In addition to the financial cost of by-elections, the trend has shown that voter turnout becomes lower due to the time-consuming processes of election hence disadvantageous to millions of the voter population. ZESN’s statement stated that “Parliament should amend Section 129 (k) of the Constitution as recalls affect the essence of democracy. The power to recall, if any, must reside in the people and not political parties as is the trend in the majority of democracies." The statement also added that “there is a need to register and regulate political parties to address the issue of recalls as they bring into question the significance and relevance of elections.” Several councilors, members of parliament and senators have been recalled including elected mayors and deputies of Harare City Council who were recalled at a time when the city and the country at large are faced by cholera outbreaks, flash flooding in cities among other national crises. This leaves many duty bearers to deal with perennial election processes neglecting the provision of services that promote the promotion and protection of people’s fundamental rights. Harrasment of women in politics ZPP continues to monitor violations targeting women. On 4 December self-styled Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) interim secretary general Sengezo Tshabangu insulted and accused former elected Masvingo Mayor Shantel Chiwara as a “little girl” who only got that position because was a girlfriend of a senior party leader. Tshabangu made such defamatory and misogynistic remarks in an interview while justifying the widespread recalls. ZPP notes with concern the use of inflammatory language targeting women in politics which also violates their right to human dignity. The systematic use of hate language targeting women and women human rights defenders should be condemned in the strongest terms to increase the number of women Masving Mayor, Shantel Chiwara participating in civil and political processes. 7

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