Provincial Outlook DECEMBER, 2023 Bulawayo During the period, Bulawayo Province recorded violations that were a result of a joint operation by Zimbabwe Republic Police and Bulawayo Municipal Police. A case of malicious damage to property was reported along Fife Street and corner 3rd Avenue when Zimbabwe Police Officers smashed the window of the commuter mini bus with a number plate ADV4312 which was ferrying citizens to the central business district. The manner in which the police officers enforced law was dangerous to innocent citizens who were in the public transport vehicle. Verified facts indicate that police officers who were on an operation smashed the windscreen when they failed to forcefully possess the keys of the vehicle from the driver. Electoral malpractices and political intolerance were also recorded in the run up to the by-elections. At ward 19 of Nketha constituency, it was reported that eight ZANU PF activists were going around defacing and removing the posters of Ambrose Sibindi of Citizen Coalition for Change and Luckmore Gwetu of DOP. It is said that the youths were moving around, remarking that the two candidates are nonexistent and hence needed to be invisible to guarantee the victory of ZANU PF in the area. Removing posters of other candidates in the electoral cycle is a malpractice and violation of an electoral act. At ward 28 Cowdry Park it was reported that a group of six led by Ngqabutho Moyo of unknown political party forced a CCC supporter to remove his party t-shirt. The group threatened to assault the victim should he continue wearing his party regalia.

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