DECEMBER, 2023 Provincial Outlook Manicaland In Manicaland Province, ZPP recorded violations of the right to administrative justice. On 12 December, in Buhera North, it is alleged that employees at Sabi Mine were forced to work under critical weather conditions by the mining company’s management. Reports say that the workers were working without rain suits and were exposed to the heavy rains pouring while the supervision team was reportedly wearing protective clothing and inspecting all operations. In other reports municipal officers raided vendors in the central business district, confiscating their wares and making arrests. Incidents of harassment were also reported during these operations and some victims sustained injuries. In Mutasa Central it is alleged that an elected CCC Councillor was denied access to preside over the distribution of government-sponsored Pfumvudza farming inputs by ZANU PF activists led by their ward coordinator Jane Chimonyo of Kagwedza village. Reports confirm that the perpetrators accused the council official of being an opposition member citing that sellouts cannot preside over government inputs claiming that ‘only ruling party members were permitted to distribute inputs from the President.’ Mashonaland West Mashonaland West recorded incidents associated with socio-economic civil, and political rights. Discrimination was reported in Chegutu West on 16 December 2023. ZANU PF ward 9 activist Clever Kunogonga distributed inputs in a partisan manner to benefit ruling party activists only. The distribution was conducted at the welfare centre in Chegutu where people converged to receive maize seed. It is said that Kunogonga first convened a ruling party meeting before giving ZANU PF supporters maize seed. Apolitical citizens and perceived opposition supporters did not benefit. Kunogonga was again mapped in a violation where he attempted to bribe independent candidate Mr Kanda to withdraw from the ward 9 Chegutu West local authority by-elections. Reported facts indicate that Kunogonga offered Mr Kanda cash in US dollars in an attempt to convince him to withdraw from participating in the by-elections. The ward 9 seat fell vacant following the recall of CCC councilor Loice Tigirigi. It is said that Mr Kanda denied the offer by Kunogonga. The incident was reported on 1 December 2023. Mashonaland East Mashonaland East recorded cases associated with civil and political rights violations. Intimidation was reported in Seke constituency following the recall of CCC legislator Willard Madzimbamuto. It is alleged that ZANU PF supporters have been harassing people to vote for a ruling party legislator during by-elections. Reports indicate that the intimidation has been widespread in all wards in Seke. All suspected CCC supporters were being forced to surrender their party regalia and join ZANU PF in full view of community members during village meetings. Ruling party activists were also threatening to deny Pfumvudza farming inputs to all opposition sympathizers while some threatened to unleash violence. On 3 December 2023, Wedza North MP Advocate Itayi Ndudzo called for an Inter- district meeting at Wedza ZRP grounds. The main agenda of the meeting was to encourage youths to approach the local government offices and apply for small scale farms ,especially those affiliated to the ruling ZANU PF. It is said that Ndudzo proclaimed that opposition youths will not benefit from the exercise as in the past. Furthermore, he said that the programme will only benefit opposition youths if they denounce their party and join ZANU PF to bury the opposition in 2028. 11

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