Provincial Outlook DECEMBER, 2023 Harare Harare Province recorded cases of violations of political rights and assault. Politically motivated violence was reported in Epworth North on 6 December in Ward 7. It is said that ZANU PF activists led by Cde Taura Kundishaya terrorized residents in ward 7 accusing them of sympathizing with opposition CCC members. A victim in ward 7 was beaten with an iron bar after he was selected by residents to be part of a borehole committee appointed by a CCC Councillor. The perpetrators reportedly went further to threaten a CCC Councillor and a council employee from the water department in Epworth accusing him of ‘working with sellouts’. The case was filed with the police but the perpetrators were not arrested. Mashonaland Central In Mashonaland Central, ZPP recorded socio-economic rights violations. There was an increase in partisan allocation of Pfumvudza farming inputs by ZANU PF activists. On 9 December, Guruve North, Village head Specia Chikwati reportedly withheld 50 kgs bags of maize seed from beneficiaries during a community distribution of Pfumvudza farming inputs. Reports indicate that Chikwati in company of his village secretary distributed a few bags of fertilizers before telling beneficiaries that the rations were finished. A complaint was allegedly raised and the distribution books were reportedly taken by ZANU PF Councillor Samson Kamu for redress. Discrimination was reported on 17 December in Mazowe Central, Ward 11, Nyachuru village around Howard Mission areas. It is said that perceived opposition CCC supporters and sympathizers were denied farming inputs by ZANU PF activists. Reports say that workers at Howard Hospital, Nyachuru primary and secondary schools and teachers at Howard High School teachers were among those who were denied fertilizers and maize seed on accusations of not voting for the ruling party during elections. Villages heads in charge of distributions in ward 11 were reportedly instructed to deny them inputs by ZANU PF district leaders. The instruction was said to be from the top ZANU PF district hierarchy. A case on the right to administrative justice was reported in Guruve North at Negomo Primary School in ward 19. It is said that during a community distribution of government aid, village secretary Wonder Nyamadzau prioritised his friends and relatives as beneficiaries of the aid. The issue reportedly left many people disadvantaged as prospective beneficiaries did not receive fertilizers, groundnut seeds, sugar bean seeds and maize seeds which were being distributed. Masvingo Cases of unfair and partisan distribution of maize, farming inputs and other schemes were recorded in Masvingo. In some instances, members of the opposition particularly of the CCC were deprived of registering and benefiting from the government schemes. At Ward 1 councilor Kudakwashe Mutami told villagers that only those who attend ZANU PF meetings can be beneficiaries. In Zaka North a ZANU PF activist identified as Mr. Mavhumira gave Pfumvudza inputs to only those that were appearing in the ZANU PF cell group list. He is also accused of forcing villagers to chant ZANU PF slogans prior to the distribution. Forcing villagers to partake in political activities as a precondition for them to get humanitarian aid violates their political rights and deny them the right to freedom of association and of conscience. A similar case was witnessed in Mwenezi East ward 5 where a ZANU PF activist identified as Shamhuyashe was instructed by David Masvina to strictly write those who support ZANU PF and leave those who supported CCC or even showed any signs of wanting to be part of CCC during previous elections. A known opposition supporter was deliberately omitted from the list. 12

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