DECEMBER, 2023 Key Findings and Mitigation Measures Abductions, assault and torture of government critics ZPP notes with concern that there has been continued use of abductions and torture as a tool to silence dissent. Most incidents of abductions and torture have been targeting opposition political activists and human rights defenders. There has been systematic use of abductions and torture to suppress dissenting voices in violation of the constitution which guarantees citizens the rights to freedom of expression, assembly and association including their political rights. Section 67 guarantees citizens political rights in Zimbabwe. Every Zimbabwean citizen has the right to free, fair and regular elections and make political choices freely, form, join and participate in the activities of a political party or organization of their choice and campaign freely and peacefully for a political party or cause. Furthermore, every national citizen above 18 years of age has the right to vote secretly in elections and referendums and stand for public office and, if elected, to Source: Takudzwa Ngadziore Facebook page hold such office. Recommendations ZPP urges the Zimbabwean government to thoroughly investigate all cases of abductions, arbitrary detentions, torture and assault targeting human rights advocates, members of parliament and opposition political activists and punish all perpetrators.. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) (1976), Article 7 states that “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Right to Personal Security ZPP recorded 10 cases on the right to personal security. On 21 December at Joshua Nkomo statue along Main Street and 8th Avenue in Bulawayo, it was reported that Bulawayo municipal police manhandled vendors who were selling their products. It is reported that the officers who were conducting a Clean the City operation pounced on vendors, manhandled them and expropriated their products before making arrests. Chaotic scenes were reported in Mutare business district on 6 December during vendor raids conducted by the municipal police. The officers reportedly confiscated vendors' wares and also made some arrests following the raids. An unidentified male officer harassed and accused a vendor of selling at unauthorized spaces in the central business district. A female vendor was allegedly involved in a nasty battle with council police and sustained some serious bruises in the process. Intimidation was reported in Buhera South. ZANU PF activists and Forever Associate Zimbabwe (FAZ) members led by Buhera South Legislator Ngonidzashe Mudekunye reportedly threatened to harm a male victim for mentioning that Chamisa will lead Zimbabwe one day. In a series of WhatsApp messages Mudekunye and his colleagues rebuked the victim saying he was daydreaming before promising to come after him. Mudekunye also said that ZANU PF will remain until the second coming of Jesus before assigning FAZ to target him. 9

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