2 The Zanu PF government evidently continues to manipulate the judiciary to repress and violate the rights of opposition party supporters. The case of two Zanu PF legislators Justice Mayor Wadyajena from Gokwe-Nembudziya and Dexter Nduna, Chegutu West, who are documented as perpetrators of many human rights violations, were easily granted bail, while members and supporters of the CCC party Job Sikhala, Godfrey Sithole, and 14 others, are still incarcerated and being denied bail for more than two months. The selective application of the law by the Zanu PF government poses a serious threat to democracy. Section 164 of the Constitution, states that the independence, impartiality, and effectiveness of the courts are central to the rule of law and democratic governance, and specifies that neither the State nor any institution or agency of the government at any level, and no other person, may interfere with the functioning of the courts. While citizens are free to contribute to whatever they identify with, it becomes an issue when they are coerced with threats of violence. Most citizens are struggling to make ends meet and it is against humanity to force them to sacrifice the little they have for the commemorations of national events. The general public was forced to donate monetary and in-kind contributions to the Heroes Day celebrations in August. Threats to withhold government assistance were made to anyone who refused to participate or did so insufficiently. The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report

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