28 Mashonaland East Mashonaland East was a political hotspot during the month of August, because of the significant number of political violence and political intolerance cases recorded. The political hostility and tension was a pointer that the country is heading towards violent polls in 2023. In Uzumba and Wedza the CCC President Advocate Nelson Chamisa was violently attacked by Zanu PF supporters. In Wedza, the CCC President’s motorcade managed to speed off at a barricaded road where it was partially stoned by Zanu PF youths. Meanwhile, in Seke Zanu PF youths assaulted CCC members before vandalizing a CCC member’s car. Reports indicate that Zanu PF supporters became extremely violent and smashed car windows before pouring sand in the car engine. This is an indicator of tensions and the extent of the volatility in communities especially rural ones. If these cases are not dealt with swiftly, violence will continue unabated and eventually affect the freeness of the environment leading up to the election. In Uzumba, a Zanu PF Councilor reportedly assaulted elderly persons and persons with disabilities for attending a CCC rally convened by Advocate Nelson Chamisa at Nhakiwa Business Centre. In Murehwa and Mudzi Districts ZPP recorded a number of cases, which were of threats, intimidation and harassment. CCC supporters across Mashonaland East were targeted, and some were forced to burn their CCC regalia, while others were assaulted and in some instances told to denounce their political affiliation. The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report

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