16 Zanu PF youths allegedly put-up illegal roadblocks and barricades in Wedza and Seke and started attacking cars suspected of being linked to Nelson Chamisa on 24 August. On the same day a Mercedes Benz belonging to a CCC supporter was stoned and had its windows smashed and two supporters sustained serious injuries. In Gutu West a group of about 20 to 25 Zanu PF youths are alleged to have toytoyed around the homesteads of suspected CCC members with the intention of instilling fear. A case of political intolerance was recorded in Mtuya village of Dete. It was noted that Jealousy Mpofu of MDC-T threatened to organize thugs to beat up supporters of the newly formed CCC party led by Nelson Chamisa. In Bulilima West constituency Ward 14, it was reported that a Zanu PF activist identified as Mnyamana forced citizens to attend their campaign meetings ahead of the by-elections. It is said that Mnyamana warned citizens that those who failed to attend the Zanu PF meetings would be considered opposition supporters and hence they will be dealt with. In Ward 14, a suspected Mthwakazi Republic Party member went around tearing posters belonging to candidates from Zanu PF and Citizen Coalition for Change ahead of the by-election. ZPP recorded a case of electoral malpractice in the northern part of Gokwe ahead of the slated by-elections. Zanu PF campaigns were characterized by vote buying, threats, intimidation and use of traditional leaders to coerce people to vote for Zanu PF. Their opposition CCC gatherings were disrupted by Zanu PF. On 4 August in Matobo North, at Nathisa village, it was reported that a Zanu PF activist only identified as Xolani Sibanda, threatened to invite the youth militia to the community to beat up Citizen Coalition for Change members. Sibanda told the community that the new party should be stopped from holding meetings because they are guilty of ‘subversion’ messages. Thembani Mthimkhulu, a Citizen Coalition for Change member, threatened to beat up those that fail to vote for them in the upcoming by-elections during a grass root campaign exercise. At eHlathini turn off in Sizinda, Bulawayo South constituency, it was reported that Adam Mtshayisa of an unknown political party intimidated a PF Zapu political party supporter. It was reported that Mtshayisa intimidated Mhlanga who was wearing PF Zapu regalia and passed a remark that members of PF Zapu deserve to be beaten for disrespecting the government. The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report

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