6 In Gokwe Gumunyu, ward 16, at Tchoda, there was a Zanu PF meeting called by Crispen Chiherenge who is reported to have issued threats of intentions to rape and impregnate women who were going to politically disagree with the ruling party. He ordered those gathered that all opposition CCC regalia, should be confiscated even if the owners have to walk naked. The same words were also uttered at another meeting at Nyamhara, in ward 14 the same day, which left villagers in great fear. Persecution through prosecution continues against the bed-ridden Marry Mubaiwa, former wife of Vice President Constantino Chiwenga as she is still forced to appear in court in her condition. She is accused of trying to kill the vice-president and forging her marriage among several allegations. She was issued with a warrant of arrest for failing to get into court because of ill health and had to appear the next day in a wheelchair. This remains an inhuman treatment of an individual and a violation of their constitutional rights. The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report

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