15 02 Freedoms of Association and Movement On August 1, villagers in Guruve North ward 5 were intimidated by Zanu PF supporters at Chipangura secondary school. Reports indicate that about 7 Zanu PF activists led by Mr Kanzira Kamuzonde, called for a ruling party meeting disguised as an agricultural extension meeting. When people had gathered, they were told that Zanu PF had finished compiling lists of opposition supporters in the community for election purposes. He went on to state that they would not hesitate to use any means necessary when dealing with opposition activities in Guruve. On 6 August, Zanu PF convened a meeting with war veterans in Guruve North ward 16 at Guruve centre. The meeting was addressed by Guruve district war veterans’ chairperson Bernard Mondo who reportedly coerced people to chant Zanu PF slogans and vote for Zanu PF in 2023. In Rimuka Ward 3 in Kadoma Central, it is alleged that First lady, Mai Auxillia Mnangagwa, held a rally at Rimuka Stadium where residents, the majority of whom were vendors, were forced to attend the rally. Zanu PF provincial leaders and the National Army providing security reportedly forced residents to attend the rally. Intimidation was reported on 19 August in Guruve North ward 5. Zanu PF Youth chairperson Victoria Chipangura, reportedly went around the ward recording names of young people and threatening to unleash violence in 2023. She warned that young people found missing on the Zanu PF youth database will be punished. In Hurungwe West, Hon Mary Mliswa threatened and forced villagers to attend her meeting. Through local traditional leaders, Hon Mliswa reportedly coerced villagers to attend her meeting. She threatened villagers with denial of presidential inputs if they did not attend the meeting. Villagers were encouraged to vote for Zanu PF candidates in the 2023 elections or face violence. On 14 August at Pentagon in Epworth ward 2, a CCC activist, Edwin Machokoto, was brutally assaulted by a group of Zanu PF youths on his way to attend a CCC ward meeting. Reports indicate that the perpetrators used an iron bar to attack Machokoto whom they accused of wearing opposition CCC party regalia. He sustained a broken leg following the attack and did not make a police report for fear of victimisation. The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report

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