10 Steps backwards The Gendered Impact of Food Aid Maladministration in Zimbabwe The Zimbabwe Peace Project (ZPP) highlights the devastating impact of partisan food aid distribution on women and girls in Zimbabwe. In August, 52.5% of the 213 recorded human rights violations targeted women and girls, with many cases linked to the maladministration of governmentsponsored food aid. The ongoing trend where government sponsored food aid is stolen and politicised exposes the systemic gender inequality and discrimination that perpetuates hunger and poverty among women and girls. The partisan distribution of food aid has disproportionately affected women, who are often the primary caregivers and breadwinners in their families. The theft and diversion of food aid for personal gain by political officials exacerbates the existing food crisis, leaving vulnerable women and girls and persons with disabilities, among other vulnerable populations, without access to essential resources. This not only violates their human rights but also perpetuates cycles of poverty and hunger. ZPP commends the efforts of the government to raise resources to support vulnerable communities, however more needs to be done to address the systemic issues perpetuating partisan food aid distribution and associated human rights abuses. Only through collective action can we hope to create a more just and equitable society where women and girls have access to essential resources and can thrive. 10

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