Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 NOVEMBER 2022 Right to equality and non-discrimination ZPP recorded a total of 20 cases in which opposition supporters, particularly CCC supporters were denied access to Pfumvudza inputs and food aid on grounds of their political affiliation. These cases were recorded in several parts of the country including Gokwe Chireya, Chirumhanzu South and Murehwa North. On 16 November during a Pfumvunza inputs distribution at Zihute Hall Ward 30 in Murehwa North, Zanu PF ward secretary Tabeth Ncube denied some villagers their allocations of fertilisers and maize seed accusing them of being CCC members. On 21 November in Hurungwe West Ward 17, Grapie Kanyurira was accussed of being a CCC member and had her allocation of 10kg maize seed forcefully taken away. The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report According to Article 2 of the UNDR, the right to equal treatment requires that all persons be treated equally before the law, without discrimination. This is supported by Articles 2 and 3 of the (ACHPR). Section 56 of the Constitution states that every Zimbabwean has the right not to be treated in an unfairly discriminatory manner on such grounds as their nationality, race, colour, tribe, language, class or political affiliation among others. 14

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