. In the same month, Zanu PF Vice-President Kembo Mohadi also summoned Bulilima West traditional leaders to a meeting at Plumtree town offices, where he told them to mobilize and campaign for Zanu PF. Mohadi also held another meeting at Esikhoveni Institute where he said the same thing to traditional leaders. The attempts to shut down space cascade down to the lower levels of Zanu PF leadership and in Mudzi and Murehwa North, Zanu PF councillors and legislators continued to force villagers to attend Zanu PF meetings. A CCC supporter in Mudzi North received death threats after questioning a Zanu PF Ward Chairperson why he was forcing villagers to chant ruling party slogans. The ward chairperson is reported to have threatened villagers at a Ward Development Committee meeting, which is supposed to be apolitical and open to all villagers. The cases are all over the country and in Nyanga North’s Ward 2, while addressing a meeting at Avila Shopping Centre on 11 June 2022, the Zanu PF ward chairperson Paul Teta said the party was due to resume night vigils and establish camps where opposition supporters would be assaulted and tortured the same way the party did in 2008 when it launched an orgy of violence against opposition supporters following the then President Robert Mugabe’s loss to opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai. Based on this and more human rights violations recorded in June 2022, Zanu PF once again was ahead of the pack, contributing to over 43 percent of all violations while the Zimbabwe Republic Police followed behind at 24.4 percent. The main opposition, CCC, was implicated in nearly four percent of all violations and this stems mostly from the party youths’ retaliation against attacks on its supporters by Zanu PF youths in Nyatsime. In Nyatsime, CCC activist Moreblessing Ali was abducted then murdered and her body cut into pieces in one of the worst forms of suspected political brutality. After the discovery of Ali’s mutilated body in a disused well Zanu PF went on to claim that Ali was thgeir member although when she went missing not once did the local leadership of the party raise concern about her disappearance. Her murder sparked intense political violence in the area (see next section) In all the human rights violations, about 91 percent of victims are ordinary citizens while about seven percent are CCC supporters and 0.5 percent are Zanu PF supporters. There is a possibility that some citizens deliberately hide their political affiliation for fear of reprisals that come with being associated. 3

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