CENSUS Govt could do better #ZIMCENSUS2022 From April 21 to 30, the government of Zimbabwe, through the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZimStat) conducted a National Population and Housing Census. ZimStat is responsible for administering the conducting of the census, whose results provide key information that informs policy formulation and development plans. For the first time, the census was focusing on socio-economic and demographic characteristics of households, for example, race, the age groups they belong to, the levels of education, the category of work they do, whether they own the home, the sort of fuel used in their kitchen among other issues. STATE SECURITY AGENTS, ZANU PF YOUTHS ENLISTED The selection of enumerators was not transparent, with allegations that soldiers, police officers, members of the Central Intelligence Organisation andnZanu PF youths were enlisted to do some of the work. Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency spokesperson Mercy Chidemo confirmed that 20% of the enumerators were drawn from unemployed youths, with the Public Service Commission (PSC) co-ordinators conducting the recruitment. The involvement of members of the security sector in the population census raised fears of it being a calculated move by the Zanu PF government to manipulate the results ahead of the 2023 elections. The outcomes from the Census and the Voter Registration statistics are expected to inform the delimitation exercise ahead of 2023. IN A TWITTER POLL, ZPP ASKED ZIMBABWEANS IF CENSUS PEOPLE HAD VISITED THEIR RESIDENCY AND 34 PERCENT SAID THEY HAD NOT BEEN VISITED BY ZIMSTAT OFFICIALS. RESOURCE LIMITATIONS The population census was marred by a serious resource shortage, and some enumerators did not manage to start their work on time due to transport limitations, unavailability of the enabling tablets as well as lack of connectivity. In most rural areas, enumerators had to walk very long distances and crossed flooded rivers to access some villages and this hugely impacted on their efficiency. Some of the enumerators that spoke to ZPP said ZimStat did not provide adequate protective clothing such as raincoats and material to shelter their ICT gadgets given the prevailing bad weather conditions. In Masvingo’s Mwenezi district, the census failed to start on time due to failure by ZimStats to provide enumerators with tablets, and it was only during the last three days when enumerators started work. PEOPLE LEFT OUT ZPP continues to express concern about the huge possibility of people having been left out of the counting process. In a Twitter poll, ZPP asked Zimbabweans if census people had visited their residency and 34 percent said they had not been visited by ZimStat officials. This presents what is likely to be a huge gap in the number of people counted and will likely cause a distortion of the outcome of the census. This is because the outcome of a census is supposed to inform policies for the next ten years, so using inaccurate information will likely lead to the implementation of irrelevant policies. 15

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