Mash East Total 41 Harassment/intimidation Assault Theft/Looting Discrimination Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to liberty and security of person Property rights Right to food, aid and livelihood 14 6 1 5 26 Discrimination Right to food, aid and livelihood 4 Harassment/Intimidation Displacement Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to Property 10 1 15 Total Ø Ø Ø Masvingo Mash West Ø Harassment/Intimidation Right to personal integrity and human dignity 9 Discrimination Right to food, aid and livelihood 7 Assault Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity 1 17 6 Ø Ø conducting farming business at the farm without clearance from the farm owner. The victims are former farm workers and have even worked for the new farm owner Flavien Zinyemba. The workers had allegedly gone for years without pay and in an effort to raise income; they planted crops on small plots without the consent of the new farm owner who subsequently approached Glendale police for their eviction. The month of January 2014 has registered an increase in the number of politically motivated incidents despite the fact that the province has of late enjoyed relative peace. A total of 26 cases have been recorded as compared to 21 cases last month. An MDC-T activist who contested the July 31 elections for the position of councilor in Ward 4 Mutoko was openly denied access to maize seed and fertilizers distributed by the incumbent Kenias Katsiga of Zanu PF.This happened in full view of the terrorized villagers near Musanhi Secondary school on January 4, 2014. The political environment remained unchanged as those who openly showed allegiance to MDC-T during the July 2013 elections are still being punished. The victims are continually being denied access to government subsidised food aid being distributed through the GMB. The remaining white commercial farmers in the province are facing fresh victimisation and eviction threats. Threats of eviction have been reported in Banket, Raffingora and Lion’s Den. On 23 January Peter Joachim who is a white farmer was ordered by a group of war veterans from Harare to vacate his farm in Banket.He was forced out of the house and his property was thrown out. He lost 80 bales of tobacco suspected to have been stolen by the war veterans. The same group of war veterans reportedly ordered Colleen Langton from T.T.C Mutemwa farm to leave his farm. The political environment in Masvingo has remained very tense as the government moved in to monitor NGOs in the province. On 24 January 2014, the Minister of State for provincial affairs for Masvingo Kudakwashe Bhasikiti requested all NGO’s to present their 2014 activity plans and sign MOUs before they can start operations. The council by-elections held on 25 January in ward 32, Zaka East had Zanu PF, National Constitutional Assembly and MDC-T campaigning in the district. Zanu PF reportedly distributed one thousand two hundred bags of fertiliser during the campaign. Although no physical violations were reported, there were several cases of discrimination in the distribution of

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