Overall Analysis The reintroduction of subsidised garrison shops in an environment where the majority of citizens are finding it difficult to fend for themselves and their families is disturbing. The preferential treatment of the army indicates that some animals are more equal than others. Such decisions breed bitterness, anger and divisions in an already polarised society. With the human rights abuses that citizens have gone through at the hands of the army hardly dealt with, this is adding insult to injury as the perpetrator is rewarded and well taken care of while citizens have to absorb all shocks of the poorly performing economy. Garrison shops could be acceptable in an economy where the general citizenry is living comfortably and do not struggle to make ends meet. Although the 2.5% GEMS deduction has been said to be optional, it cripples civil servants who are already hard pressed by the socio-economic situation in the country. This move by the Finance Ministry comes at a time when the health delivery system in the country is still in shambles and reason dictates that priority would be on the resuscitation of such a crucial service especially in the face of the risk of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The issue of misplaced priorities is something that the government needs to look into. In 2019, Minister of Finance, Mthuli Ncube was on record proposing the launch of a space satellite when the economy was in a dire state; with at least 7.7 million people facing starvation2. If Zimbabwe is to achieve national cohesion, such divisive decisions should be avoided. The food shortages which have largely been attributed to the ongoing drought and economic hardships continue to make citizens dependant on food aid. It is unfortunate that this aid is manipulated despite access to food being a right that is provided for in Section 77 of the On 18 February a case of assault was Constitution: in addition to equality and nonreported in Chikomba East at Sengwe Township in Ward 27 where Zanu PF Coordinator Adonis discrimination in Section 56 of the same Mandizha was assaulted by an MDC activist Constitution. In the month of February ZPP Shepard Manyame. A scuffle between the two documented 38 food and other aid discrimination ensued when villagers were waiting to receive violations where some citizens were denied aid food aid which had been mobilized by their Legislator, Honourable Sekai Nzenza. Just because of their political or perceived political before the distribution Mandizha began to force affiliation. Cases of traditional leaders villagers to chant Zanu PF slogans and this did participating in partisan and nepotistic food aid not go down well with Manyame resulting in a distribution processes continued to occur despite tussle between the two. Mandizha suffered a broken nose, bled profusely and was rushed to a directive from the Ministry of Public Services, Pokoteke clinic for medical assistance. Labour and Social Welfare for them to refrain from aid distribution.3 In some recorded cases beneficiaries were forced to chant Zanu PF slogans; which is against the principles of food aid distribution. It is however important to note that in some cases villagers resisted such intimidation tactics. 2 https://www.wfp.org/countries/zimbabwe 3 https://www.newsday.co.zw/2019/11/stop-politicising-food-aid-minister/ 7

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