Historically, traditional leaders in their role as custodians of culture and tradition were highly respected On 8 February, Chief Kasekete of Muzarabani South individuals at the centre of instilling delivered a speech in favour of Zanu PF at Hoya Primary values of love, unity and peace within School in ward 17. The chief, ordered the village council of their areas of jurisdiction. The narrative elders to call for an urgent developmental meeting. Villagers were forced to attend the meeting by village has however since shifted with the heads and Zanu PF leadership. Reports indicate that the manipulation of traditional leaders by agenda of the meeting changed when people had politicians. Although the Zimbabwe gathered. The chief, in his address praised President Constitution clearly stipulates in Section Mnangagwa and Zanu PF. He mocked the MDC , denouncing its President, Advocate Nelson Chamisa. He 281 (2) that traditional leaders must not also threatened to deal with all opposition aspiring be involved in partisan politics, ZPP candidates citing that Muzarabani was a no go area for the continuously receives reports where MDC. MDC ward 17 and 18 Shadow Councillors were certain traditional leaders openly declare advised to leave MDC for Zanu PF to guarantee their safety. In addition, he threatened to introduce tough their allegiance to the ruling party and measures to deal with all village heads that support MDC act in a partisan manner. Reports of and allow NGOs to hold meetings in their villages. certain traditional leaders not being transparent in how they handle levies that are paid to them by villagers have been received. For instance, villagers in ward 25 in Makoni West Constituency were disgruntled by the way the headman of the area who is also a Zanu PF activist, Moses Zenda, failed to produce receipts for council levies which he had been collecting from his subjects for the past two years. A villager indicated that she was yet to get the receipts for the levies she had been paying and if she had money for transport she could have gone to Rusape to the District Administrator’s Office to report the matter. Another villager echoed the same concerns of lack of transparency by the traditional leadership in the area which was now causing mistrust of the traditional leadership by citizens. When traditional leaders act in a partisan and non-transparent way they are compromised and lose the trust and respect of citizens. This erodes their ability to be peace makers particularly at a time when Zimbabwe requires measures to bring people together. The demonstration by MDC youths in Harare’s CBD and the Chitungwiza clashes are pointers to the agitation that is within the citizenry, particularly the youth. If government does not urgently address the bread and butter issues that citizens are grappling with, the country is likely to experience more pockets of such protests as citizens become more impatient. The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) has indicated they are consulting their membership on possible actions meant to influence the government to accede to workers’ demand for a living wage 4. The MDC has also threatened mass protests across the country. Measures need to be taken to address the concerns of citizens. Already certain reports received by ZPP indicate that citizens in some areas no longer sit back and watch their rights being violated. In an incident received from Marondera Central, near Marondera bus terminus Frank Katsvairo, a state agent threatened and intimidated a vendor after he refused to pay a bribe for him to freely go about his vending. A brawl then broke out after Katsvairo 4 https://www.zimbabwesituation.com/news/zctu-plots-living-wage-protests/ 9

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