with the members who were disrupting the meeting. Following this directive more than 30 members of Zanu PF were assaulted by the youths using logs, stones and fists resulting in two members of Zanu PF being hospitalised at Chipinge hospital. Police came in to restore sanity later in the afternoon. No arrests were made. In ward 7 Headlands, at Pfumoiguru Primary School, Oswell Chigaka chairperson for the ward was arrested by the police for writing down names of people before and after voting. In ward 12 people were also writing names and a vehicle with reg. number ADE-9388 belonging to Zanu PF was moving around giving rice to people before voting. This took place at Chironga Primary both the police and the presiding officer were notified. Midlands Midlands is the epicentre of intra and inter party conflict. The MDC-T has been facing a torrid time in reorganizing party structures mostly in Midlands North. The restructuring has been meeting stiff resistance from sitting members and this has resulted in the party failing to put in place provincial party structures. Midlands is the only province where the party has failed to elect a provincial party structure due to infighting. The creation of two party provinces within one administrative province was meant to deal with the factions but this has not solved matters for the better. There was chaos and verbal assault at an MDC-T meeting on 26 June 2015 at Mutoro Business Centre Gokwe Chireya. The provincial team headed by a Ms Nyathi had descended on the area to try to reorganise and restructure the lower level organs of the party when Tendai Svosve the District Chairperson threatened to physically assault the visitors should they go ahead with their plans. The pandemonium led to the cancellation of the meeting. Masvingo The situation in Masvingo was generally calm and the highlight of the province was the contentious issue of former Provincial Minister Bhasikiti who was challenging his dismissal from Zanu PF. A well known MDC-T activist was murdered in cold blood in the Negari area of Ward 2 Mwenezi East Constituency in Masvingo province. The 70 year old activist is believed to have been murdered by unknown assailants on the 19th of June but his body was only found on the 21st of June inside his hut by his son. His body was brutalized and his hands and legs had deep cuts. One of the huts on his homestead was burnt on the same night. The murder is suspected to be politically motivated as investigations are proceeding. The victim was an outspoken activist and held a senior position for the MDC-T in Mwenezi District and he contested a previous election as a Councillor. It is reported by close Figure 2: The burnt hut 7

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