Mashonaland Central recorded incidents associated with socio-economic rights and civil political rights. On 13 October, Zanu PF Ward 7 Councillor Mr Masango reportedly convened a meeting in Mt Darwin West at Chiwira primary school advising village heads to deny Pfumvunza inputs to all Citizen Coalition for Change members. The meeting was held on 13 October 2023. Masango was quoted saying, “no presidential inputs for all CCC members’’ He further assigned village heads present not to include names of CCC supporters on the lists of beneficiaries.In Mt Darwin East at Nyamazizi village in ward 14, villagers were being threatened with arrest for failing to pay hut tax. It is alleged that Zanu PF ward 14 Councillor advised village heads to warn their subjects that those with outstanding payments risked facing arrest or having their farms confiscated. He further advised village heads to tell their subjects that $5.00 USD was required per household towards hut tax without fail. In Guruve North, a Zanu PF activist identified as Mr Meki went around Chivanga village in ward 19 recording names of perceived CCC members. Reports indicate that the Meki claimed that he was compiling the lists of opposition CCC members to ensure that they don't rations from government programs. It is alleged that Rodwell Kubvunya’s name was included on the list of those being targeted. The incident was reported on 1 October 2023. There was partisan distribution of Pfumvunza agricultural inputs in Mazowe South Glendale at Vonabo farm in ward 18. CCC activist Nyarai Makazhu was denied fertilizer and maize seed by Zanu PF Councillor Kenny Mudzeka. It is said that during a community distribution of inputs held at Vonabo farm, the victim found her name missing on the list of beneficiaries. Only perceived Zanu PF supporters went away with a 50 kg bag of Compound D and a 10kg bag of maize seed. The incident happened on 10 October 2023. Masvingo Province There was an increase in unfair distribution of agricultural inputs like Pfumvudza and presidential schemes. Opposition parties particularly members of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC). In Charamba village ward 20 of Zaka South, it was reported that Jonathan Marangarire was denied agricultural inputs for Pfumvudza on the basis that he is an opposition supporter. Allegedly, this was done by ZanuPF activists identified as Mujera Charamba and Annah Matsvimbo. During the distribution of the inputs, ruling party activists were telling opposition supporters particularly those of Citizen Coalition for Change to go and receive aid and inputs from Nelson Chamisa. A similar case was witnessed at ward 17 Cherechere training centre of Zaka Central where it was reported that ZanuPF leadership led by Hodha Pfuwai, Mrs. Mabhurazi and Tavonga Muzvimwe convened a meeting were all village heads submitted names of the citizens to benefit from the food distribution. The trio gave a directive that only ZanuPF activists should benefit from the

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