• Initiate conversations that promote the building of civic spaces that are conducive to Dismantling structural inequalities without restrictions or obstacles. ZPP attended the commemoration and notes that it is crucial to promote a culture of tolerance within local communities and work towards a citizenry that engages leaders and collaborates to bring about positive peace. ZPP recommends the adoption of the following interventions to promote sustainable peace in Zimbabwe: • The state must ensure that all citizens, regardless of political affiliation, gender, disability, or colour, can exercise their rights freely. • According to their constitutional mandate, the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) must form alliances with relevant stakeholders to ensure positive peace prevails. • CSOs should continue to engage influential leaders within the community, such as political leaders, in order to foster a culture of tolerance, coexistence, and to create an active citizenry that takes actions to promote peace, co-existence and create an active citizenry that takes actions to promote peace. Special Focus In the month of October the special focus area focused on equality and non-discrimination, political rights, property rights, personal security and right to administrative justice. Right to Personal Security ZPP recorded 15 cases related to the violation of the right to personal security. Harare recorded 4 cases and Matabeleland North recorded a case. It is alleged that CCC activists were assaulted by police officers from the CID department during a funeral of the late CCC activist Gift Kawayuja in Mazowe South along Glendale highway. Reports indicate that CCC activists who had attended the funeral to pay their last respect for their member clashed with a police officer who was related to the deceased resulting in chaos. Members of the Police CID department summoned reportedly arrived and started beating CCC members clad in

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