THE ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT THE 3 strengthening of the ruling Zanu PF community level intimidation of opposition political and human rights activists left communities much more scared of their own government. This is made worse by the continued presence of state security agents in the streets and villages, who, under the guise of enforcing Covid-19 regulations, flagrantly and with impunity suppressed basic rights. The instruments of repression remained well oiled, vigilant, and ready to strike. 4 WITH the Zimbabwean crisis having entered a stage where it became a concern for neighbouring countries, the regional body SADC, the African Union, the United Nations and the international community in general, the Government of Zimbabwe and ruling party has remained aloof, disregarding the growing calls for process facilitation to solve the crisis and get Zimbabwe back onto the path to democracy, good governance and economic prosperity. Zimbabweans were once again on their own, presided over by a government that is in the habit of preying on its citizens. A young woman in Chikhovo, Chiredzi during a Community peace-building dialogue held by ZPP in September.

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