THE ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT More than ever before, Zimbabweans are afraid of the police, army and the ruling party. The state security agents, who have maintained a presence in the streets and villages, under the guise of enforcing Covid19 regulations, have continued to suppress basic rights. A sense of fear has continued to linger in the communities and throughout the month, ZPP recorded cases of harassment and intimidation and assaults perpetrated by state security agents and ruling party activists. In one incident in Glendale, Mazowe South, Zanu PF youths led by one Quash Banda torched property belonging to an MDC Alliance activist. Banda led a group of ruling party youths and burned the victim’s house and banana garden, and property, including clothes, kitchen utensils and a bed, worth US$1000, was lost. Reports indicate that this is not the first time the ruling party youths in the area have attacked opposition political activists. “They do not get arrested because even the police are afraid of them because of the political influence they have” said a witness. The systematic nature of the impunity is evidenced by the fact that these incidents happen across the country. In light of these, ZPP recommends that government should ensure that state security agents conduct themselves in a professional manner. The Constitution guarantees the right to life, and even where people are suspected to committing a crime, the Constitution clearly provides the procedures of arrest, detention and trial. In addition, Zanu PF leaders should instill a culture of political tolerance within their cadres. It is of great concern though that, many times, the leaders are the ones who incite their supporters to be intolerant of opposition politics. They must be reminded that as a multi-party democracy, Zimbabwe allows opposition politics and Zanu PF as an institution should be subservient to the Constitution, which provides for freedom of association. …even where people are suspected to committing a crime, the Constitution clearly provides the procedures of arrest, detention and trial….

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