distribution was conducted by a Zanu-PF councillor. Some of the people who were supposed to benefit were Arthur Jonga (not real name), an MDC-T member living with disability, Timothy Tsunga (not real name) also of MDC-T and were told that distribution had been done already.  On 24 February 2016, at Hoya Business Centre in Muzarabani North, Chief Kasekedze gathered all the village heads and told them that all known MDC-T supporters were not to benefit from the food distribution. The food was from the GMB and those who were known to be MDC-T supporters did not benefit. Mashonaland East  On 6 February 2016, in Mudzi South, village head George Nyabonde allegedly denied John Nguwo (not real name) food for supporting MDC-T. The distribution was done at Nyamuyarutsa Business Centre, Musota Ward B. Nguwo is reported to have attempted to take poison together with his four children as he had no food to feed them. The neighbours had to intervene and contributed food for the family.  On 13 February 2016, in Maramba Pfungwe, Karamba Ward 15, Farisai Zondo (not real name) was denied food aid (50kg maize, and money US$11/child). The aid was for the disadvantaged members of the community and Zondo had been selected to benefit. Kraal head Philip Chisiko of Zanu-PF was handling the distribution while Zondo is an MDC-T member who recently defected to ZimPF. She is a widow with eight children the eldest of whom is 19 years old.  On 16 February 2016, in Muzarabani North names were written down for the elderly to get maize but two elderly people (a man and a woman) were denied aid because their children are MDC-T activists. Councillor Proud Pfotso for Ward 17 was leading the food distribution with his team in the ward committee. The maize was said to be coming from the Department of Social Welfare.  On 20 February 2016, John Mashapure a Zanu-PF supporter who is a headman in Mashapure Village, Ward 10, Marondera West received maize from GMB which was meant to benefit the underprivileged but he allegedly denied maize to one Alec Muzuri (not real name) for being aligned to the Mnangagwa faction. Mashonaland West  On 17 February 2016, councillor Nixon Mandere aged 46 and Zanu-PF chairperson for Ward 23, Maumbe Township, Collen Matamba aged 40 allegedly denied Sophia Ruzawi (not real name) aged 35 access to maize. Ruzawi was accused of being Morgan Tsvagirai's daughter.  On 23 February 2016, in Mhondoro Ngezi, village head, Augostino Kumire, called a meeting in Ward 5 to collect money for the transportation of fertiliser from the GMB. It is reported that prior to the meeting Kumire had compiled list of beneficiaries and had included names of all Zanu-PF youths including his nephew Valentine Makwengura whom he had chased from home. Villagers complained about the 26

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