FOOD AND OTHER VIOLATIONS Three million people in Zimbabwe face hunger as a result of the El-Nino-induced drought which has hit the Southern African region. Livestock has not been spared from the effects of the drought with scores of them dying across the country. Government in collaboration with donors, UN agencies and other partners has, since the Declaration of the 2015-2016 agricultural season a State of Disaster in January, been mobilising food for the food insecure. Concerns have abounded over the past months of partisan distribution of food aid. The following is recommended for food aid distribution: The modalities of food assistance must respect the fundamental humanitarian principles of Humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence. Decisions on the allocation of humanitarian food assistance should be strictly needs based. Funding should be allocated in an objective manner, according to these principles, to improve the food consumption of those in greatest need, without bias or prejudice. Basic principles ZPP and partners subscribe food distribution in Zimbabwe must be based on a platform of ethical principles that derive from international humanitarian law:      The right to life with dignity and the duty not to withhold or frustrate the provision of life saving assistance; The obligation of states and other parties to agree to the provision of humanitarian and impartial assistance when the civilian population lacks essential supplies; Relief not to bring unintended advantage to one or more parties nor to further any partisan position; The management and distribution of food and other relief to be based purely on criteria of need and not on partisan grounds, and without adverse distinction of any kind; Respect for community values of solidarity, dignity and peace and of community culture. Minimum Standards for Food Distribution Key Considerations: That distribution of food aid be Responsive, Transparent, Equitable and Appropriate  Recipients of food aid are identified and targeted based on need by means of an assessment carried out through consultation with stakeholders including the beneficiaries 23

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