Matabeleland South No major political violations were recorded during this period. Intra-party conflict was reported in the MDC led by Professor Welshman Ncube following the expulsion of their secretary general, Moses Mzila Ndlovu and others for alleged indiscipline. In Zanu-PF, chaos continued with serious disagreements among war veterans some of whom supported expelled minister and chairperson, Chris Mutsvangwa, and another group supporting First Lady Grace Mugabe. Former Vice President Mujuru’s ZimPF made a lot of inroads recruiting several supporters from disgruntled Zanu-PF members. Highlights:  People in wards 3, 5 and 6 in Umzingwane complained through their respective councillors as to why social welfare food was being distributed at night as this seemed to open this routine up for corruption and theft. Allegations were that on 28 February 2016, an official from the welfare department identified as MaMoyo distributed maize in wards 3 and 5 between 9 pm and 11 pm. The previous day she had distributed in ward 6 between 6 pm and 10 pm. Councillors from other wards confronted her over this and she responded that the food trucks always arrived very late.  On 16 February 2016, war veteran, Cephas Sebata, allegedly demanded that all members of the Bethel Primary School Committee in Gwanda Central attend Zanu-PF meetings. He accused the chairperson Msongelwa Masuku of being a Zapu member and the others of being anti ruling party.  Residents of Gwanda Town abandoned their planned demonstration against Zimbabwe National Water Authority and their residents’association chairperson Bekezela Maduma when they were informed that riot Police would descend on them. The town at times goes up to a week without water. Midlands Topical in the province was the acquittal by the courts of suspended MDC-T councillors and Mayor Hamutendi Kombayi who had been suspended by the Local Government Minister Saviour Kasukuwere on charges of mismanagement and corruption. The councillors are waiting for a formal re-instatement letter to assume duty from the parent Ministry which is yet to do so several weeks after the High Court Judgement. Some other high profile developments and events on the political scene include the MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s marathon meet the people rallies meant to audit party structures and gap fill in incidences where others would have defected to ZimPF since some prominent provincial MDC-T party members including former Mayor Tedius Chimombe have defected to the newly- launched party. Factional fights within Zanu-PF have intensified and have reached boiling point. The political gurus of the province in the likes of Kizito Chivamba provincial party chairperson have been suspended for being vocal and standing by Mnangagwa’s side. The lower level party structures have been shaken too as all those aligned to Team Lacoste as the Mnangagwa side is known are being demoted and suspended. The suspensions have hit hard Mnangagwa’s 21

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