contribute US$1-00 each towards the 21st February Movement. The teachers were told that failure to pay the money, one had to put it in writing explaining why they had decided not to pay the monies. Several teachers and civil servants felt threatened and paid although against their will.  On 27 February 2016, people in Ward 18, Chivi Central were forced to go and attend the 21st February Movement at Great Zimbabwe by Francis Mhomho and Howard Mudungwe ( Zanu-PF). The people were further forced to pay US$5-00 per person as transport fare. The people just complied due to fear of victimization. Teachers and other civil servants complied just to save their jobs.  On 25 February 2016, Zanu-PF member, Tendai Zvinende (not real name) of Gangare Business Centre in Ward 21, Bikita East was physically assaulted by Riharwi Nehumai also of Zanu-PF at the selection of people who were to travel to Great Zimbabwe on 27 February 2016 to attend the 21st February Movement. As the selection went on, it is reported that Riharwi Nehumai was not supposed to attend the celebrations due to her inferior party position. The denial infuriated the actor who responded by physically slapping the victim on the cheek accusing her of having a hand in her not going. The assault only stopped when others intervened. Matabeleland North ZimPF were the most visible party on the ground as they went about recruiting new members and holding small group meetings. On another note the Zambezi River water levels began to noticeably rise as the rains fell heavily. This was positive news as villagers could now catch more fish for their livelihoods. However, the crop situation is bad as everything was a write off due to late rains. Workers in Hwange Colliery were still unpaid and this caused untold suffering as women and girls were forced into vices like prostitution. Highlights:  On 18 February 2016, at around 3 am, three bus loads of war veterans from Nkayi were blocked and turned back by security agents as they intended to go to Harare to demand a meeting with President Mugabe. This was after the dismissal of their chairperson, Chris Mutsvangwa, whom they were backing.  The Hwange Rural District Council made arrangements for companies operating in the area to employ workers through a register supplied by Prize Chipaya, a young brother to Chief Hwange. Chipaya is a well known Zanu-PF activist. On 25 February 2016 at Mwemba Primary School in Ward 10, Chipaya compiled a youth register comprising of Zanu-PF youths only for possible employment. This left most villagers complaining bitterly. 20

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