only targets grades 0 to 2. Province Date Mashonaland 3 October Central 20 October HR Violated Provincial highlights Right to Food During the last two months the food aid programme in Muzarabani South was benefiting six people per village and preference was allegedly given to known Zanu PF members. Those known to belong to ZimPF or MDC-T were told not to register for food aid. Freedom of Association Right to Food It is reported that approximately 114 people in ward 4 of Mt Darwin North have not received maize since June 2016. People from the Department of Social Welfare keep promising that food will be delivered but to no avail. The affected people had participated in the food for work programme which they were forced to abandon following the department’s failure to deliver. Province Date HR Violated Provincial highlights Mashonaland East 2 October Right to Food Under the Hwedza South food for work programme it is alleged that beneficiaries are chosen through Zanu PF structures that include village chairpersons. The rest of the villagers are then forced to buy the same maize for $7 a bucket. 6 October Freedom of Association Hwedza North village heads and councilors reportedly select people who attend Zanu PF meetings to take part in the food for work initiative. Right to Food 27

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