Association Zanu PF supporters including Wadi Ndawali, Sheilla Gezi, the wife of the late Border Gezi and, the Zanu PF youth chairperson for Mvurwi district Onward Tembure also went around forcing people to make donations for the funeral. Those who said they could not afford were labeled opposition activists. 31 October Freedom of Association At Nzvimbo Clinic in Mazowe East, *Ruth Mutebere a health worker was contracted to distribute mosquito nets. According to the contract she was to work for ten days and get USD100. Eight of her colleagues were given their money and when she went to ask why she had not received hers she was told by the Nurse-in-Charge Mr. Nyama to get in touch with Mr Chogugudza, the Health Field Officer at Concession. When she called Chogugudza she was told that she was not going to get that money because she is an MDC-T supporter. She told him that she was going to report him to the police and he responded by saying that Zanu PF are the owners of the programme and they made sure only their supporters benefitted. 31 October Freedom of Association MDC-T supporters in ward 1 Goteka in Chiweshe, Mazowe North have complained about intimidation they are subjected to by Zanu PF supporters in the area. *Rodwell Nyoni, the MDC-T district chairperson complained that MDC-T supporters are forced to attend Zanu PF meetings and people attend due to fear but MDC-T supporters are not able to hold their own party meetings in the area. Freedom of Assembly Mashonaland East Mashonaland East residents are being pressured to contribute towards the Zanu PF annual conference to be held in Masvingo in December 2016. This has resulted in high political tension, as opposition activists are intimidated. The region is also witnessing fresh farm invasions. Date HR Violated Provincial highlights 19 October Freedom of Association *Leon Karimazondo an MDC-T supporter was ordered to leave his home in ward 8, Nyazihunda village in Mudzi West after he refused to contribute $1 towards the Zanu PF annual conference. Kraal head Nyazihunda who is also a war veteran ordered him to leave the village accusing him of wanting to influence other villagers into supporting opposition 17

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