The Government could have taken lessons from other countries that have ensured their citizens do not go hungry during the Lockdown. The deployment of security forces to enforce the Lockdown needs to be closely monitored considering that the same security forces have unleashed violence in their previous deployments. It is also unfortunate to note that the security officers are executing their duties with no protective gear and are in the process exposing themselves to contracting or transmitting the virus. Figure 4: A long queue of vehicles as LPG gas wholesalers defied the lockdown and went about their business The Corona virus also brought with it heightened human rights violations, typical whenever Zimbabwe is faced with a crisis. On 26 March 2020, some residents in Kuwadzana and Highfields constituencies were assaulted by anti-riot police officers (at nightclubs, bars and other social spaces) following President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s ban of public gatherings of more than 50 people. Reports confirm that city dwellers and vendors at Figure 5: A screenshot from one of the videos featuring police beating up civilians. The videos have since gone viral on social media Kuwadzana 4 shopping centre in ward 28 were assaulted with batons at around 1930hrs while revellers at Gazaland were assaulted at about 8pm. Many vendors reportedly lost their wares and some escaped with serious injuries. The police (estimated number of 50) who were dispersing people at the shopping centre ended up confiscating vendor wares. Figure 6: A police officer speaking to citizens and he has no protective clothing Pic: 7

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