CAMPAIGNS AND ENVIRONMENT Zanu PF Chipinge rally Suspicions and tensions escalated in the communities as political parties heightened their campaign activities. The environment became hostile especially for opposition parties. On 24 June Zanu PF convened a campaign rally in Chipinge at Mutema Secondary. The event was graced by senior Zanu PF politburo members led by President Emmerson Mnangagwa, Vice President Constantine Chiwenga and Minister of Information Broadcasting and Publishing Services Monica Mutsvangwa. Despite President Mnangagwa unveiling ambulances and hospital equipment at St Peter's Hospital in Checheche, many people were forced to attend the campaign rally. It is said that people were forced to attend the rally by Zanu PF officials who included district, youth and women’s league chairpersons. At a local meeting held in ward 18 and 19 in Chipinge East, residents were told to attend the rally without fail. Zanu PF officials were quoted at the meeting saying “munhu wese ngaeende, mabhazi tinokupai tikakuona uri pamba tiri kurova, midhudhudhu takapiwa nezwese zwekutakurisa. Pakuvhota tichatarisa vese vasinakuenda tichitaka munhu”(meaning everyone must attend the rally, buses have been availed to ferry people, and that some were also given motorcycles to ferry people. If citizens are seen in their homes, they will be dealt with and at polling stations they will identify those who will not vote to punish them). Many people reportedly attended the rally in fear. Public resources such as Zimbabwe United Passenger Company (ZUPCO) and school buses were assigned to ferry people to the rally. However, after the rally, many people were dropped off before reaching their destination, while others had to find their way back home on foot. ZPP identified some of the branded school buses which were from Mt Selinda High and Gazaland High School. In Buhera West ward 14 at Murambinda Growth Point, villagers were forced to board ZUPCO buses assigned to ferry them to the rally. Even vendors were warned that they risked losing their vending spaces if they failed to take heed of the call. Zanu PF youths and some traditional leaders particularly village heads and secretaries were mapped among the perpetrators who force marched many people to attend against their will. ZPP implores the ruling Zanu PF party to respect the political rights of citizens. The systematic use of threats and intimidation to drive people to attend political activities against their will violates citizens’ rights to freedom of assembly and association and rights to personal security. Section 67 of the constitution sets out the political rights of Zimbabwean citizens. Citizens have the right to free, fair and regular elections and referendums and adults have the right to vote in elections and referendums. They may also stand for public office and, if elected, to hold public office. In terms of Section 67(2) (a) of the Constitution, Zimbabweans have the right to form political parties or to belong to political parties of their choice. Political parties and candidates for election have the right to campaign peacefully and to have access to the media to disseminate information to the electorate about their policies. 09

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