Harare Provincial Outlook Harare recorded cases of the violation of the right to freedom of assembly and association. On 16 November, the First Lady Mrs Auxillia Mnangagwa visited Mbare to officially launch a Life Skill Support Program for street kids and campaign against drugs in Mbare at Stodart Hall netball complex. It is alleged that vendors at Mbare Musika vegetable market, Siyaso and Mupedzanhamo were told to close business by Zanu PF youths sent by their district leaders. Also children were seen boarding buses to the programme. One of the perpetrators Simbarashe Chanachimwe nicknamed (Dhama) reportedly coerced people to board Zupco buses to the venue where they were given a box of chicken inn and a little hamper comprising of 1 Colgate (toothpaste), 1 small Vaseline, 1 bath soap and a toothbrush. On 28 November at Pendennis shops in Mt Pleasant Constituency the Harare City Council raided vendors and confiscated their goods Chaotic scenes were reported at the shops with some vendors resisting arrest resulting in street battles. It is alleged that the municipal officers nearly took a power generator and other items from a vendor identified as Moses who operates a car wash. Reports say that Moses disclosed his permit but still the officers harassed him before leaving the area. A case on the right to life was reported in Mabvuku Tafara constituency on 14 November 2023. It is said that Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC) activist Pastor Tapfumaneyi Masaya was abducted and found killed in cold blood which raised citizens' concern and suspicion that the move was initiated by state security agents. According to reports, Pastor Tapfumanei Masaya suffered severe wounds throughout his body during his harrowing ordeal at the hands of suspected security agents in Harare, ultimately leading to his tragic death. His body was reportedly found in a decomposed state due to a suspicious injection of an alleged harmful substance. CCC aspiring legislator Munyarari Kufa shared distressing information after personally examining the body at Parirenyatwa citing that there were worms emerging from his body. Kufahakutizwi reportedly considered pulling out of the 09 December byelection asking himself if it is “worth it” running in the vote after a clergyman was abducted and murdered while campaigning for him. The police said they were still investigating the case to date. 16

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