Provincial Outlook Manicaland There was an increase in partisan distribution of government aid and inputs sponsored under the Pfumvudza input scheme meant to boost Zimbabwe’s food security. The programme was manipulated by Zanu PF activists to further its agenda. In Nyanga South, there were reports of partisan distribution of Pfumvudza at Sedze Business Centre in Ward 19. According to reports, the District Development Coordination Chairperson Mr Mhaka, deprived all the ‘potential recipients’ preferring to allocate rations to those in ZANU PF structures only. In Mutare North, there were also reports of partisan distribution of Presidential Pfumvudza inputs on 8 November at Ngangu Hall. It is alleged that maize seed and fertilisers were distributed under partisan political lines with CCC members being excluded for supporting the opposition party. The distribution was reportedly led by Zanu PF ward 15 secretary Mr Joseph Tuto. A staunch female CCC member is among the people who were denied inputs and told to get their share from Advocate Nelson Chamisa and the Americans. Also, persons with disabilities were left out of the exercise. Partisan distribution of food aid was also reported in Buhera North, Ward 10 at Munyanyi village. It was alleged that during a community distribution of maize from the government held at St Joseph primary school, some beneficiaries found their names missing from the list of beneficiaries. Reports indicate that the Legislator for Buhera North, Philip Guyo, engaged the Grain Marketing Board (GMB) manager who told beneficiaries that they were given names by village heads through their secretaries. Some beneficiaries reportedly went away with 50kgs Compound D fertiliser, 2 kgs cowpeas, 2kgs sunflower and 5kgs maize seed. The incident was reported on 22 November 2023. Mashonaland West A case of discrimination was reported in Mashonaland West Hurungwe West at Mashuma village ward 17 under Chief Nyamhunga‘s jurisdiction. It is alleged that Zanu PF Central Committee member, Member Mutinha told ward 17 villagers that registration of Presidential inputs will benefit Zanu PF members only. Addressing a ward 17 budget consultation meeting at Sengwe Primary School, Mutinha was quoted saying, “masabhuku endai munonyora vana 14

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