Issues of peace and security also need to be treated with the importance they deserve in Zimbabwe. The continued lawlessness by artisanal mining gangs pose a security threat to citizens especially when they turn on to police who are supposed to protect citizens. The police are also proving to be a threat to Zimbabweans by their continued use of excessive force when dealing with citizens. ZPP implores the government of Zimbabwe to seriously work on implementing security sector reforms as recommended by the Motlanthe Commission of Inquiry. ZPP December statistics show that police occupied 38% of perpetrators, up from 34.6% recorded in November 2019. This upward trend, if not addressed could result in the police becoming a law unto themselves. ZPP calls for the operationalization of Section 210 of the Constitution that enables citizens to make complaints that involve the security sector. The trend of victim affiliation remaining unknown continued with 89.9% of victims not revealing their affiliation; an indicator of the entrenched fear within citizens. In order to resolve some of the issues brought to light in December 2019, ZPP calls on:  The government to earnestly work on reviving the economy.  Operationalising Section 210 of the Constitution as a matter of priority.  Those responsible for the distribution of food and other aid to abide by the principle of non – discrimination and ensure every deserving citizen does not go hungry.  The security sector to find lasting solutions to the artisanal mining terror gangs and prevent further violence and loss of life. If you are concerned about acts of human rights violations in your community ZPP encourages you to get in touch on WhatsApp numbers: +263 774 883 406 and +263 774 883 417

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