Discrimination Assault Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to personal integrity and human dignity 1 1 2 Harassment/Intimidation Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity 3 The province remained calm with little political violations taking place. NGOs working within the relief field are busy with villagers on garden, poultry, and goat projects. Ø 14 September 2014 -In Gwanda Central Ward 4, residents staged a sit in around the house which was supposed to be occupied by a staunch Zanu PF activist Mr Thulani Ncube but his name was not on the waiting list and did not stay in the area where the new houses were built. Residents took turns to guard the house night and day to bar him from occupying the newly constructed house. The houses were built by the council in ward 4. The residence of this old location had a list that informed them of how and who would occupy the new houses. However, on the 14th Sept Mr Ncube came back now escorted by four council police officers and he moved into his new house. The residents were very upset as they believe that Mr Ncube used his political influence to benefit from this ward scheme Harassment/intimidation Assault Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity 8 2 During the month of September, Bulawayo Province recorded a decline in incidents of violence and human rights violations compared to the previous month. However incidents of Mat South Mat North Total Bul awa yo restructuring exercise during preparations of the coming congress at the end of October 2014. There was a decrease in the number of violations recorded in the province from thirteen recorded in the previous month of August to eight. The drop could be attributed to political activities in most parts of the province. The notable trend in the province is that of the harassment of members of the Civil Society and at times banning and disruption of their meetings by members of the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) and Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP). Issues of the discrimination of supporters of the MDC-T and those suspected of being its supporters from benefiting from government programmes have also been noted in some parts of the province. Ø 15 September 2014-At Lusange dip tank, St Pauls ward, Lupane East constituency, an MDC-T activist was denied farming inputs (maize seed). It is reported that although the maize seed was from the government and meant for all villagers the victim who is reported to be a well-known MDC-T supporter was asked to produce a Zanu PF card. The perpetrators are reported to have been Lupane East MP Sithembile Gumbo and Lupane District war veteran Jabulani Ndlovu. Ø 25 September 2014 - In Hwange Central, Transparency International Zimbabwe had its meeting disrupted by members of the CIO. The meeting had been cleared by the police and it was designed to discuss environmental issues. Hwange Central Member of Parliament Brian Tshuma, a Colliery mine official and an Environmental Management Agency official were supposed to make presentations at the meeting. 9

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