JULY 2017 was then blocked by ZanuPF youths wearing party regalia accusing Mazorodze of allowing campaigns and using his resources to fund National Constitutional Assembly (NCA) campaigns. NCA National Youth Chairperson, Terrance Mawoneke confirmed the incident and added that the party was aware that MDC-T and ZanuPF supporters were intimidating NCA members. He said that his party was reluctant to report to the police as they are aware that the system is tainted and biased towards ZanuPF. Mawoneke said NCA had successfully engaged MDC-T and called upon the party supporters to stop harassing those supporting NCA. their campaign meeting at Gumbure Primary School in ward 11 but the school authorities denied the party leadership and its supporters access to the school grounds demanding clearance from the police if they wanted to go ahead with their plans. School authorities led by the School Development Association chairperson, Moses Lunga, insisted that they were not going to allow NCA Chiwundura leadership led by its chairperson Fungai Kashiri to use the school grounds without police clearance. After two hours of negotiations the NCA meeting was eventually called off. In Gokwe Gumunyu at Mvumvurudze primary school it was reported that on 10 July the ZanuPF Gokwe district chairperson, Timothy Pamire, forced teachers to contribute towards Heroes Day commemorations. He told teachers that they were supposed to contribute nothing less than 50 cents. It is alleged that Pamire further said that this exercise was going to run from 10 July to 4 August and teachers who refuse to comply were going to have their names noted. Business people at Gumunyu business centre have also been told to contribute towards the commemorations. On 9 July, it was reported that Chiwundura ward 10 villagers were threatened with eviction from their homes if they voted for the opposition parties in the 15 July byelection. The meeting where this was uttered was called by the ZanuPF ward 10 chairperson Mr Albert Chidhakwa and all village heads in attendance. It is alleged that Chidhakwa told the village heads that they should warn everyone in their village that ZanuPF would evict anyone suspected or known to vote for the opposition. The ward chairperson is alleged to have made these direct threats at Muchakata Business Centre. On this day it was also reported that the NCA president, Professor Lovemore Madhuku, visited Gambiza Business Centre where he addressed people to drum up support for the NCA by-election candidate, Takudzwa Guzete. Professor Madhuku castigated the alleged intimidation tactics used by ZanuPF youths. Due to fear of victimisation by ZanuPF supporters, villagers also refused to attend to NCA members who resorted to doorto-door campaigns. People in Chiwundura were concerned about the increased movement of unmarked vehicles. It is alleged that the vehicles have been seen patrolling most shopping centres and main roads. Owners of these vehicles were not seen talking to any villagers but isolated themselves. As a result of the presence of these mysterious cars, opposition parties were afraid to hold their campaign meetings. On 11 July, ZanuPF supporters went around Chiwundura telling every villager to attend the 12 July star rally in their numbers. The ruling party youths intimidated people that had no intention of attending the rally. It is alleged that MDC-T youths resolved that they will organize themselves and retaliate to ZanuPF attacks if they are faced with any in the remaining five rallies. The rally on July 12 was jointly addressed by vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere and the ZanuPF candidate in the by election Brown Ndlovu. ZanuPF held a campaign rally at Kaguvi Youth Centre in Chiwundura on 9 July. It was reported that Chirumhanzu-Zibagwe legislator, Auxillia Mnangagwa, and former Minister and current ZanuPF Midlands deputy secretary for administration, July Moyo, attended the rally. Allegedly the guest of honour, MP Mnangagwa, told the gathering that going into the byelection villagers must not forget that ZanuPF is the only party that has maintained peace in the country since 1980. It was said that schools and hospitals were built by ZanuPF and to continue doing so the party must win the by-election. It was reported that at Mateza village in Chiwundura, Masvori High in ward 10 on 11 July, three youths covering their faces with masks and wearing MDC-T T- On 10 July, it was reported that NCA wanted to hold 20

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