JULY 2017 voter registration process on 17 June. *Peter Nyahuni and *Brian Shava were among the demonstrators at Rimuka in Kadoma West. Tsitsi Mairosi and Tedious Murwira are alleged to have been leading the ZanuPF youths. attend the presidential youth interface that was held in Chinhoyi. Makamure ordered that every household should send a family representative to witness the rally. It is alleged that households were forced to fund village representatives to the youth interface rally each contributing $1. Makamure is said to have threatened villagers as he used a village register to take details of people who were going to attend the rally and those who had contributed a $1. Chirebvu villagers were intimidated and threatened by village heads at a village meeting on 17 July. The Hurungwe West 2008 political violence incidents were used to intimidate and threaten local people. Villagers were forced to form and register to be part of cell structures. National identification numbers, names, ages and sex were included in registers and taken to the ZanuPF district chairperson Morgan Masewe’s office. It is alleged that at Chirebvu village, ZanuPF vice chairperson, John Maheya told villagers that the information gathered will be given to the central intelligence office. Village head Peter Masuku chaired the meeting and told the gathered people not to be associated with opposition parties but to only support ZanuPF leadership. ZanuPF chairperson in Rusvingo district in Zvimba West, Reason Alifasi, approached school heads of Kawondera secondary school, Chirau Hall and Kawondera primary schools on 28 July and allegedly ordered them to contribute towards the presidential youth interface rally. The contributions were to be channelled towards ferrying people from Zvimba to Chinhoyi University of Technology. It is said that initially contributions were stipulated at $5 but owing to the cash crisis the amount was deemed exorbitant. Schoolheads and teachers then agreed to each contribute $2. School heads also received an instruction from the district school inspector Andrew Matsikiti ordering them to attend the rally in Chinhoyi. A meeting was held on 18 July to discuss how ZanuPF youths would be allocated pieces of land. At the meeting in Sanyati, Milverton village Stephen Rutsito, a ZanuPF supporter and war veteran, intimidated *Lovemore Shambare, a primary school head. Shambare was recently allocated land at Milverton village but this did not please some ZanuPF members and as a result Rutsito accused Shambare of being an MDC-T activist. It is also alleged that Shambare was told that he would lose the land if he was found supporting opposition parties. Rutsito urged all teachers not to support MDC-T, he told the gathering that all opposition supporters would not benefit in the land allocation program. A Methodist Church in Zimbabwe diocese in Chinhoyi quarterly gathering was disrupted after police denied the congregation a clearance for their scheduled meeting saying it clashed with the presidential youth interface rally. It is alleged that the meeting which was being held in the church premises was disrupted by police then a church steward, *Tinaye Zindove, was sent by church elders to negotiate with the officer in charge at Chinhoyi central police station. It alleged that the meeting later on proceeded. Vendors were ordered to stop business and also attend the rally. Category of incident Assault Theft/looting Discrimination Unlawful Detention Intimidation/harassment A ZanuPF activist from Kutama village in Zvimba South, Dafter Peter, allegedly forced teachers to attend a meeting, which was hosted at Kutama Day Primary School. At the meeting, held on 20 July, he also demanded personal details such as names and national identification numbers. The teachers were forced to form a ZanuPF cell structure. It is alleged that Dafter warned teachers that the 2018 elections will be a tough and perilous time for MDC-T and other opposition parties. On 28 July Chegutu East ZanuPF chairperson, Fanuel Makamure, is alleged to have been forcing people to 17 July 2017 3 6 1 0 22 June 2017 1 2 5 1 4

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