JULY 2017 added that ZanuPF youths were given power and authority by the president to ruthlessly clamp down all opposition movements. partisan. Fornius Chingwena the village head of Tizora under Chief Goronga of Mudzi North held a compulsory village meeting on 14 July. It is alleged that during the meeting *Timothy Gwenzi was threatened with eviction by Chingwena who accused Gwenzi of being an MDC-T member because he had failed to attend ZanuPF meetings. A ZanuPF 2018 elections campaign meeting was held in Svosve communal lands at Masikana shops in Marondera East on 7 July. Ward 19 Councillor Norbert Hwenjere chaired the meeting. MP for Marondera East Jeremiah Chiwetu and Chief Svosve, Kumuziva Sakirayi were also in attendance. Sakirayi announced that if people support opposition parties they would face their fate when elections come. He added that people must emulate him as he only supports ZanuPF. Sakirayi cautioned all opposition party supporters and told them that they were not welcome in Svosve. The District Administrator (DA) John Misi of Mudzi district on 21 July ordered all teachers to contribute $1 toward the Heroes Day commemorations. School heads around Mudzi North collected the money from their staff members. The DA had announced to school heads that teachers who fail to contribute the money will be considered opposition supporters and will be at risk of losing their jobs. It is alleged that all the teachers around Mudzi made the monetary contributions. ZPP contacted a teacher at Denhere High School who requested anonymity and confirmed the incident. He added that since time immemorial teachers in Mudzi are forced to contribute towards national events. Pupils at Saint Nicholas Primary School in Marondera West were turned away from school on 11 July due to school fees arrears. School head John Sithole, and school clerk, Masline Badza, are accused of turning away pupils from grade zero to seven that had not paid tuition fees and/or levy. End of term examination classes were interrupted as they were also sent home. Chakari and Sanyati residents are being forced to pay $1 towards a Mashonaland West presidential youth interface rally slated for Chinhoyi. A meeting was held in ward 2 Chiwara business centre and chaired by Councillor Epson Mundandanda who forced residents and business people in the area to contribute money. Mundandanda visited a number of business people operating from Kingchim and Milverton forcing them to contribute. Ward councillors have been given tasks to mobilise resources towards the event from residents and business people. *Ronald Chitsa, an MDC-T member was intimidated and assaulted by Onisimo Matsika, ward 9 ZanuPF chairperson on 22 July. It is alleged that Chitsa was assaulted on allegations of being a bodyguard for MDCT ward 9 chairperson, Shadreck Mutero. Chitsa was intimidated and assaulted until members of the public at Cherutombo shopping centre came to his rescue. The matter was reported at Cherutombo Police Station under RRB number 274599. In another incident, *Abel Katiyo was also assaulted by Matsika while he was watching soccer at a local bar. The matter was reported to the police under RRB number 2974600. ZPP contacted Mutero and he confirmed the two incidents saying people in Marondera East have been victimised for associating with MDC-T office bearers. Mutoko South ZanuPF chairperson Gift Chirova and district committee members collected names of youths who did not have national identity cards. It is alleged that the youths without national identification were to be assisted on condition that they vote for ZanuPF in the coming 2018 elections, while others were told to produce ZanuPF membership cards in order to get assistance. District Registrar Kenneth Mungate was asked to assist youths from Hoyuyu in the registration process. The registrar confirmed the fast track registration to ZPP but denied that the process was Rongani and Zhuwau 2 villagers in Mudzi North were ordered to contribute $1 per household by their village heads starting from 23 July. The village heads received instruction that all households should contribute towards national activities and no one will be exempted from the process. It is alleged that the DA John Misi ordered village heads to collect contributions from their areas. The contributions would be channelled towards the 15

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